About Us

Founded in 1981 as a non-profit 501c-3, ICOLA brings together all of the lake associations throughout Itasca County, Minnesota. Currently there are 29 lake associations in the coalition. All members of these local lake associations automatically belong to ICOLA as well.  Our strategic partners include the Itasca Water Legacy Partnership (IWLP), and two statewide organizations: Minnesota Coalition of Lake Association (MN COLA), and Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates (MLRA), all with missions to keep Minnesota’s lakes healthy for future generations.

Our meeting schedule is flexible, with only the business meeting fixed for July, at which time we hold elections of officers.  Usually, ICOLA meetings are held the third Wednesday of February, April, June, July, and  October at 7:00pm at the County Courthouse.  Our Annual Business meeting in July is in Marcell.   Additional meetings can be held as needed, and announced by email contact.  All meetings are open to all members of the Lake or River Associations in the Coalition.  For purposes of quorum the “Board of Directors” consists of one representative from each Association in attendance.

Have your Lake Association join (or renew) as an ICOLA Member

(Please adjust date if not current on form)

Our regularly scheduled meetings are the third Wednesdays

of February, April, June, July, and October, beginning at 7:00pm at the County Courthouse.

Our Annual Business meeting in July is in Marcell.

ICOLA mailing address:  PO Box 1001, Grand Rapids, MN 55744

Our Officers for the year 2022:

Stephanie Kessler, President, 326-1130

Bill Hagenbach, Vice President

Linda Skallman, Treasurer

Catherine McLynn, Secretary