Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

Itasca County has seen the invasion of many disruptive plants, animals and diseases in recent years.  More are on the way. Let’s do what we can to limit and prevent their spread!

The Itasca County Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program is headquartered at the Soil and Water Conservation District.  Bill Grantges is the AIS Coordinator.  218-256-4243

1895 W U.S. Highway 2,  Grand Rapids, MN

For more information on AIS and the Itasca SWCD AIS Program, or to report suspected AIS, visit our webpage at:

www.ItascaSWCD.Org/programs/aquatic-invasive species

Link to Itasca County AIS Facebook Page

or call the Itasca AIS Hotline at 218-256-4243.

Here is the mailing address for SWCD and the AIS program:

PO Box 990
Grand Rapids, MN 55744


Lake Associations can apply for help in preventing the spread of AIS through our Community Action Projects (CAP).  Matching funds are available for such things as additional access inspectors for you lake, traffic counters, kiosks and informational posters, help with controlling invasive species already in you lake, and more.  Contact Coordinator Grantges for more information 218-256-4243.


The Itasca County AIS Program has instituted a “FIVE-STAR” program that identifies those Lake Service Providers who have agreed by contract with the AISP to take all precautions for preventing the spread of AIS.  These are the businesses and individuals who sell and install docks, lifts and other water services.  Please ask you provider if they are enrolled in this program, and favor those that are participating.  For more information on the FIVE-STAR Program click this link.


2020 Itasca SWCD AIS Program Report

2020 AIS Control & Monitoring Report


Itasca_AIS Risk Assessment

The State of Minnesota has provided significant funding to the counties, including Itasca, for efforts to prevent the spread of AIS.  This funding will supplement, not replace, existing efforts led by the DNR, IWLP, MN Extension, the Itasca Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA), and private donations to Lake Associations.

This page will provide information, news and materials for you use in Newsletters and websites to spread the word about what we all can do to help in this important effort.  Aquatic invaders, such as Eurasian Millfoil, Zebra Mussels, or Curly-leaf Pondweed (all in Itasca County) can cause serious problems for recreation, water quality and habitat.  Feel free to use the posters, flyers, and announcements found here in a responsible manner.

AIS information available from the DNR for your accesses, meetings, newsletters and websites.  Log on to the DNR website where you can find brochures (both printed or electronic), signs and DVDs:

The DNR brochure passed around at the meeting is numbered: EWR-226-16.

The AIS DVD “MN Waters at Risk” is free, and can be downloaded or ordered/mailed.

The access sign “Stop Aquatic Hitchhikes can be ordered/mailed.

Itasca County YouTube on AIS called “Preserving Outdoor Traditions” (with scary underwater shots of Starry Stonewort), to which you can provide a link on your website: